Why are sober connections so meaningful to recovery?

How does fellowship keep you sober?

Have you ever tried to describe addiction/alcoholism to an outsider or a family member? It’s almost impossible. We point to the research and explain what happens to our brains and our bodies, and we outline the disease model of addiction and hope that they understand. That does not explain what it’s like to be addicted, and usually, by the time we get to this stage, the person we are trying to explain it to has lost all belief in our words and our promises.

But then we show up to our recovery meeting, where an older lady or gentleman shares their most embarrassing moments in addiction, and everyone barks with laughter. Then it dawns on us: we can trust these people to understand us. And we can embrace this journey with the help of this Fellowship. Recovery meetings are the most common path to long-term recovery, but it can take a little time to grow comfortable with them.

Twelve Step Recovery

Regular attendance at meetings is a crucial feature of Twelve Step recovery. Most of us discover, over time, that meetings, with their promise of anonymity and confidentiality, are exceptionally safe places to hang out while we work the Steps that lead to sobriety and serenity. Meetings are where you get to talk about your internal and external struggles without fed-up friends and family members rolling their eyes. Meetings are where you hear how others manage to break free from their own addictions. Even if you listen half-heartedly while picking at your cuticles, you’re bound to listen to your own experience expressed in other people’s stories.

After a while, it will occur to you that there’s nothing unique about your situation. There will always be those who have had a smoother ride on the road to recovery, as well as those who have barely survived the collision course. Sooner or later, you realize comparisons are useless. You discover that you are, in fact, just like everyone else whose life has been screwed up by addictions and compulsions, a revelation that may actually provide an incredible sense of comfort.